Idioms with vegetables | 易過食生菜

Literal meaning
哩條數易過食生菜,咪埋眼都識做 This math problem is easier than eating lettuce. I can do it with my eyes closed
Easier than eating lettuce
Piece of cake
激嬲左老細等俾人燉冬菇You made the boss mad; you’re getting stewed mushroom soon

Stewing mushroom
Getting demoted (at a job)
佢眼甘甘咁望住阿邊個,仲唔係十月芥菜?She is staring at him wishfully, must be mustard greens of the Tenth Month
Mustard greens of the Tenth Month  (buds or blooms in the tenth month in the agricultural calendar)
Describes a young person (usually female) starting to develop romantic interests
做乜苦瓜乾咁樣?俾人拒絕左呀?Why the bitter melon face? Did he reject you?
Looking like a dried bitter melon
A long (sad) face
最大年紀都俾佢攞到獎,真係薑愈老愈辣Getting a prize at this old age, no wonder they say ginger gets spicier with age

Ginger is spicier when older
The more experienced are more skilled/ bolder/ stronger
你唔好一碌葛咁企係度,要有行動至得架 Don’t just stand there like an arrowroot, take action!
An arrowroot
An idiot; stationary and useless like a log
佢有乜冬瓜豆腐,我唯你是問!If winter melon and tofu happens to him, you are in trouble
Winter melon and tofu
An unexpected tragic event that happens to a person
Peanut eater (I suppose you eat peanut instead of popcorn during a show in Cantonese culture; or possibly from the English phrase "peanut gallery" though differs in meaning)
A spectator who watches from the sideline but never participates or intervenes during a conflict, especially when necessary; also people who offer nonconstructive criticism. 
Big winter melon OR big yam
A person whose body shape resembles a winter melon or yam; also a person who is clumsy and not very bright

Photo credit: evchk
