Frequently Confused Words | 撈亂骨頭的詞語

Was at the zoo yesterday and heard more than one kid calling a lion a tiger and vice versa. I have met many adults who do the same thing. It's not that we don't know what the difference between a lion and a tiger is (unlike alligator vs. crocodile),  but we just seem to always confuse the two words when we speak!

尋日去動物園, 聽到好多細路仔將獅子叫咗老虎,老虎又叫咗獅子, 其實我都見過好多大人都會叫錯。我諗大家都知道獅子同老虎嘅分別,不過呢兩個詞語依然成日會講錯

Here's what I hear people get mixed up on a lot in Cantonese: 下面係一啲我成日聽到有人講錯嘅詞語
1) 老虎lou5fu2 獅子si1ji2 
Tiger and lion - this confusion is universal across Cantonese and English. Both exists in Chinese culture and are found in idioms, so it's not because of low frequency or age of acquisition.

2) 西蘭花sai1laan4fa1 椰菜花ye4choi3fa1
呢兩個字都係花字尾同埋個樣有啲相似 我相信大部分人知道一個係綠色另一個係白色,不過成日都會有人撈亂黎叫
Broccoli and Cauliflower - they both end in "fa1" and are visually similar. I am sure most people know one is green and the other is white, yet people often misname one for the other. 

3) 灰色 fui1sik1 啡色fe1sik1
我自己成日都會將灰色同啡色撈亂,起碼一個禮拜一次! 我會同人講:「唔該畀隻啡色嘅杯我呀!」
Grey and Brown -- I am SO guilty of this one. I catch myself making this mistake at least ONCE A WEEK. I would say, "Get the fe1sik1 cup for me please!" And the other person says, "there are no brown cups here..." In my defense, they are phonologically very similar!



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