What do they have in common? | 找找共通點

Inspired by NPR's Sunday Puzzle, I have created some Cantonese-English word puzzles. 

Your job is to figure out what is in common with the list of words I provide. 
NPR SP's example was "tom, alley, copy" = CAT (tom cat, alley cat, copycat)

To make this more challenging, the puzzle is in English, but the answer is in Cantonese. 

  1. phone, basketball, swing
  2. water, electricity, plane
  3. rope, bottom, joint
  4. skin, mountain, soldiers
Bonus: If you are feeling super smart, go ahead and name an additional item that fits the pattern for each puzzle. 


Have fun! 

[DON'T SPOIL THE FUN ALERT] Please do not post your answers if you know them! Let others have a chance to guess first :) 
