Musical Cantonese | 音樂廣東話

Some say music is the universal language of mankind. I say music-related vocabulary is universal to all languages:

  1. 啱key "in the same key" - describes two people who get along well; in good harmony
  2. 合嗮何車* "hitting the right notes" - right up one's alley; something that suits one's taste *Originated from the traditional Chinese musical notation method 工尺譜: 合、尺係工尺譜入面兩個音,喺粵語入面合稱來代表工尺譜,又按讀音寫成「何車」。有俗語「合嗮合尺」(第一個「合」仍讀hap6),本來指唱戲嘅個音唱得準,後來引申成啱嗮心水,正中下懷噉解。(Source: Wikipedia Cantonese)
  3. 離譜 "deviating far from the score" - meaning outrageous, describes actions or results negatively far from expectations. *Sources say the 譜 may originate from 樂譜 or 族譜
  4. 食咗草龍呀?(咁好唱口)-"Did you eat a lizard? (You are singing a lot)" - a saying to make fun of someone for singing too much (now also to mean talking too much) - *Originates from birds singing a lot more after eating lizards) 草龍 is a type of lizard
  5. 飲歌 "drinking song"- a personal favorite, well-practiced song for performance; "That's my jam!"
