The train is approaching? 火車未到站

Cantonese euphemisms/ idioms to remind our conversation partners to fix something about their appearance 

火車未到站 "The train has not yet reached the station"
=Your fly is down
The zipper teeth are the rails and the pull tab is the train; the top stop is the station 

留番做宵夜呀? "Saving it for a midnight snack?" (Usually used as a question)
=You have food residue on your face/ lips
This one is self explanatory. 

(Someone could have used this with Ted Cruz during the debate

I wonder if you can say this if you have food stuck in your teeth? (I definitely need an app for that)  

I couldn't think of anymore. How do you say your hair is messy or you have a hanging booger? So I made some up (Thanks to SS for contributing): 

Made-up idiom #1
A: 今日全港學校停課呀?
B: 吓?
A: 八號風球呀?
B: 吓?
A: 打風呀?
B: 吓?
A: 你個頭呀!梳吓佢啦

Made-up idiom #2
A: 你果七個小矮人去咗邊呀?
B: 吓?
A: 你d礦工罷哂工?
B: 吓?
A: 冇哂礦工採礦?
B: 吓?
A: 你個鼻呀!整吓佢啦


Do you know of any similar phrases?
